Life Coaching Offer

Life coaching seminars, online coaching programmes and face-to-face seminars

The life coaching offer for more life performance

Coaching, Training & Seminars

As an official educational partner of the largest industry association, the Swiss umbrella organisation for personality training V-P-T, we offer holistic further education for self-coaching, systemic and value-oriented coaching and for job coaches at the Life Coaching Academy.

Live your heart’s calling and a meaningful life. Take personal responsibility and transform your life into the life of your dreams. Choose the Best Seller programme and start soon (limited places):

  • Reorientation and finding your calling
  • Develop your potential and expand your comfort zone
  • Self-confidence and self-awareness

Offer and duration:

  • WINNER: from 8 weeks
  • SUPERIOR: from 16 weeks
  • MASTER: from 6 months

Options (+):

  • Personality development for the self-employed
  • Sustainable self-coaching
  • Job booster for professional reorientation
  • Together into the future for couples

The professional further education to become a heart intelligence coach is based on the systemic approach and the success is ensured by an internal quality management system.

This continuing education uses, among other things, the HERZcode, heart and emotional intelligence, to accompany people holistically. We offer this continuing education with different focuses:

  • Accompany & lead people
  • Certified further education based on the heart intelligence
  • Complementary continuing education for job coaches, vocation coaches, mentors, experts and trainers who want to use heart intelligence to counsel people holistically.

Offer and duration:

  • Self-coaching based on WINNER+.
  • Certified Coaching Continuing Education
  • Continuing education for job coaches

Mehr Life Performance für dein Leben. Wähle dein Seminar aus und erlebe neue Durchbrüche. Unsere Seminare zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass sie auf dem HERZcode resp. Herz-Intelligenz aufbauen:

  • Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
  • Berufliche Themen
  • Hochsensibilität und emotionale Intelligenz 
Angebot und Dauer:

Agenda: Siehe Termine

“The ‘WINNER Program’ and the collaboration with Christian Rupp were a booster for me and the best decision!”

Sabrina F., self-employed in beauty industry, March 14, 2022